- Erectile Dysfunction
- Premature Ejaculation
- Low Sex Drive
- Inhibited Ejaculation (inability to ejaculate during sexual encounters)
- Reduced or Non-Existent Sexual Pleasure
These are some of the issues that may summarize what you might be experiencing and what caused you to check out this section of the website. If you are experiencing any one (or more) of these and are distressed about it, you have come to the right place. For more than eight years, I have been helping men come to terms with their fears and vulnerabilities in order to find or revisit the pleasurable life they desire.
There is no shame in having sexual difficulties. At least 20 to 50 percent of adult men will have experienced at least one sexual issue during their life time (Nobre, 2017). It is important to realize that there are a number of ways to significantly decrease or eliminate symptoms and that you don’t have to do it alone. You and I will collaborate and discuss all possible deterrents including the physical, psychological and/or social-relational aspects of your life that may be preventing you from the pleasure you want and deserve. We will come up with a plan of action customized to fit your specific wants, needs, and limitations that will help produce the results you are looking for. And we will assist you to find or regain the confidence that you thought was gone or you never thought you had to begin with.
When you are ready to take the first step, please contact me. I look forward to helping you find or revisit the pleasure and intimacy you deserve.