Meeting with a therapist for the first time can feel frightening and overwhelming. But there are ways to make starting counseling less intimidating. One of those ways is to make sure you’ve chosen a therapist who will be a good fit for you. Before committing to a regular schedule with a therapist, there are 4 […]
How to Reduce Fighting Over Money & Budgets
If you and your partner argue about money, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, 27% of Americans said that disagreements about finances tend to erupt into full-blown arguments. This means couples fight more about money than they do about work, chores or the kids ( Perhaps even more disturbing is that arguments about […]
Dresses & Ties: How to Come to Terms with Crossdressing Desires
Societies like to make the complex simple. They insist on taking gray situations and ideas and making them black or white. In this way, people and situations can be more easily controlled and predicted, and the normal order can reign supreme. Except, that isn’t realistic. We all know that human beings are very complex creatures […]
Is Casual Sex Good or Bad for Your Mental Health?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 data, the average age of marriage in the country is at its highest: men’s average age at first marriage is 29.8, while women’s average age at first marriage is 27.8. As the gap between adolescence and marriage widens, uncommitted sexual encounters are on the rise. Call it a […]
Swiping Left: Tips on Dealing with Unwanted Romantic Attention Online
Many of us are all too familiar with this uncomfortable scenario: someone initially catches your eye, but for one reason or another you lose interest. After letting them know you’ve changed your mind and are no longer interested, they keep messaging you. Or perhaps you’ve never been interested in someone, but they seem to think […]
You Are Not Alone: Finding Support as a Male Sexual Abuse Survivor
On an almost daily basis we hear stories of female sexual harassment and abuse in the media. Sadly, male sexual abuse is fairly common, but the issue is underreported by the media and society in general. One US-based study found that 1 in 6 boys experience some form of sexual abuse by the age of […]